Acim, also known as Awareness, Consciousness, Intention, and Mere Attraction is an ancient art, developed over thousands of years, and it is only now, that it has been exposed to mainstream Western academia. Acim, also called Acro Christianity, is an ancient art of meditation. It is based on the "Law of Attraction", which says that like unto itself, similar things will attract like unto themselves, in an equal and opposite way. So by meditating upon these laws, and using specific "words" that represent the law, you will be able to manifest anything in your life that you desire. This is not a quick fix or some do-it-yourself magical fairy dust remedy; however, a person can quickly learn how to use these "words" in their daily lives, to create any kind of wealth that they wish.
A Course in Miracles is a 1976 book by Helen Schucman, who claims that she psychically visited three other worlds while she was under hypnosis. According to Helen, one of the worlds she visited was the "archymeric world," also known as the "abyss." Another world was the "heavenly world," and the last was the "eternal world." She claims that these worlds worked together, and that by reaching into each realm, through her out-of-body experience, she was able to learn how to work with these different worlds to bring about her desires and goals, using the "words" she received from Jesus during his ministry.
Through her studies, Helen came to discover that she could understand and use the "words" that worked for each of the three worlds described above, and then used those words to work upon her life, healing and prosperity. What she calls her "archymeric soul" or "acle soul" is the ability to focus the mind on what she wants, and to then move towards it with the strength of the Holy Spirit. She claims that this ability works with all the worlds described in her workbook, and that she has personally been doing this since she was seven years old. This means that the entire process, from receiving the acim thought system, to carrying it out and working it into daily life, is an inside out process. The power of working with the necessary words to do miraculous work is indeed an internal work, which must be done with love, and not with hate.
The Course in Miracles byrene Wapnick is a charming little book that explains how to work with the auric forces, which are believed to exist surrounding people who are very positive thinkers. Wapnick gives us some simple but powerful strategies to make this happen. I enjoyed reading this book and found myself drawn in repeatedly to the end, which explained that by taking specific steps, a person can bring the super powers of the auric realm into their own personal lives.
There are thirteen miracles in this fast-paced workbook. There is also a short sketch of what each miracle is about, as well as a short explanation of what is involved in working with the auric energy in order to accomplish each one. It is interesting to learn that even though she is an accomplished intuitive and healer, Wapnick does not believe in a black and white belief system. She firmly believes that there are more levels to the universe than the two main religions have discovered, and she describes how she uses the laws of karma and the universal laws to help people with their problems. I agree with one reviewer that it is too simplistic to take these statements seriously, however, as I also believe in the universal laws and karma and am an intuitive being, I find the simplicity of the laws appealing.
This was an easy book to read, and taught me that while most people go through life without having any major struggles, I am constantly having issues with attracting the things I want. That being said, this book was very motivating and exciting for me, and helped me to get my creative juices flowing. I highly recommend picking up Acim and reading it in its entirety. In fact, I recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about the different kinds of energy journeys that can be done. helen schucman does a great job of explaining each principle and gives practical examples from her own life that prove the principles. If you are a New Age kind of person who is interested in using spirituality as a way to manifest, then Acim may be just what you were looking for.
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